Cian Belton

Hello, welcome to my website.

I will be writing about meditation, books I am reading, and anything else I find interesting in the next while. This website will remain minimal so that it is easy to maintain, edit, and update in the coming years. If you would like to build your own website from scratch, you can follow this tutorial that I used. I highly recommend this meditation app. I have found it to be a great resource of information, and it has helped me to choose what I pay attention to, something that is increasingly difficult to do in our current age of the internet. Anyway, you can get a free month on the app by using this link.


This page links to my blog.


This page links to an archive of the Daily Quote from Waking Up.


A record of books I have read and my rating for them.


Some poems I love to read.

Software Engineering and Data Science Projects

This page outlines software projects I have worked on. I am most confident coding in Python, and also have experience using C/C++, Bash, MATLAB, R, Java, JavaScript, Verilog, AWS, HTML, CSS and more.

Contact Me

Currently Doing

About Me

Useful Tools

Other Places To Find Me

Jump to my GitHub to see more of my coding projects.
Jump to my LinkedIn for more professional information.


Photo of Cian Belton Photo of Cian Belton